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Tenancy application form

Please complete the form below.

Alternatively you can call us on:

Mob: 07769 323 600 (or text us and we will call you back!)

Please note: In the case of joint-application, each joint-application will be required to complete and submit a separate application form. Please submit this form for each applicant.

All our Terms and Conditions can be found here:

How was that property held for you?

Current Employment Status

Are you presently in receipt of

Have you ever been made bankrupt or entered into a voluntry arrangement of any kind with your creditors

Have you ever had a county court judgement made against you

Will anyone else beside yourself pay any tenancy deposit (all or part).

I confirm that I am 18 years of age and the information given above is true and accurate. I confirm that no one will be living in the property except anyone who is named above.

I agree to the landlord named at the begining of this application form making whatever enquiries, icluding a credit check, he/she deems necessary in connection with application for a tenancy. I authorise my employer, my bank/building society, a local authority (if I was previously a council tenant), current or former landlord, and the personal referee named, to provide information about me, any prior tenancy history, and any employment / financial affairs as appropriate to the landlord's enquiries

I understand that I have to provide original documents proving the right to reside in the United Kingdom for all potential occupiers in the presence of the landlord or the agent. I understand that if I do not provide these documents for all occupiers then I will not be granted a tenancy

To complete this appilcation I (yourself) will email attached copies of the documents (below) to

7 + 5 =

Any questions about this form please contact us

Thank you for taking your time in filling in this form, Knightstone Properties Ltd